FAQ for Abroad! (971204) The followings are the furequently asked questions: "What is the advantage, if I register?" After you register your copy, all your settings will be saved and you can use all functions. "My settings are initialized when I return to Abroad!" It is because you have not registered Abroad! All your settings and changes are saved, if you register your copy. "Please mail me the registered copy" There is no "registered copy" to send you, as Abroad! will be updated. You can register your copy by your ID, which I mail you when I am noticed your payment by Kagi. "I want to hotsync my data" Yes. Currency exchange rate and city time data are handled as database, which will be hotsynced. "I send my fee to Kagi and received "Thank you for your payment" mail from Kagi. However, I have not received my ID yet" If you have not received your ID for more than 3 days, please contact me. (Although I send 2 mails (using cc.) when I received the payment information from Kagi, I can not avoid mailing trouble.) "I lost my ID" Please feel free to contact me. "Where can I get the latest version of Abroad?" You can find it at my homepage. The URL is http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/9768 "Do you have your web site?" Yes. The URL is http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/9768 "I would like to use a unit which Abroad! does not handle." Please mail me the information about your common unit. "I have a good idea to improve Abroad!" The followings are what I am considering. (Some will appear but some will not.) If you have other suggestions, please mail me. (1) world clock alarm (*) (2) time conversion among cities (**) (3) handle "Unit Conversion" data as database to be backuped (**) (4) make "Unit Conversion" data editable (**) ***: most important ** : more important * : important I do not prepare the function that changes system time within Abroad!, as it may cause the loss of data (of other apps) at hotsync.